UCL Ear Institute conducts survey on age-related hearing loss
A group of Clinical Researchers at University College London Ear Institute are recruiting individuals diagnosed with age-related hearing loss to take part in their survey.
The team is investigating the impact of age-related hearing loss on a person’s and how it compares to the quality of life in hearing loss from a rare neurological condition.
The research is anonymous and is open to participants from around the world. It contains questionnaires that are commonly used in clinical and research settings which take about an hour to complete. The study received UCL Ethics Committee approval.
To take part you must be aged 18 or over and have a diagnosis of age-related hearing loss. The study link and code are:
Study code MAT4YWY9R
The study closes on 31st July 2021. For more information please contact Dr Natallia Kharytaniuk n.kharytaniuk@ucl.ac.uk.