LinkUp support group – “It completely changed my life!”

Our free LinkUp support groups have been designed by people with lived experience of hearing loss, for others with hearing loss and their families and friends. In 2024-25, we are offering 10 groups across every country of the UK.

These groups – lead by our peer support volunteers – can be life-changing, offering individuals with hearing loss and their families, the chance to meet others facing similar challenges, as well as sharing experiences.

LinkUps have also encouraged many participants to become peer support volunteers. Today, we meet James from Northern Ireland, whose life has been turned around by the support he received. This is his story…

James’ story

James signed up as a peer support volunteer with Hearing Link Services eight years ago. He was
inspired to give back to the charity after it helped him following the sudden loss of his hearing at the age of 49.

He had been working as a hairdresser, a job he adored, and overnight his hearing vanished.
James recalled: “I woke up in the morning and [my hearing] was gone. I visited my GP, who sent me straight to the hospital. I was diagnosed with a severe to profound, sensorineural hearing loss. I was devastated.

L-R James, Emmanuelle, May, Helen. Front – Rachel.

“I wasn’t offered any steroids, which is considered a common treatment and told I’d be completely deaf within two years. I was to go home and deal with it. I was in a very, very, dark place and having very, very, dark thoughts. It took me six months, but one day I emailed many organisations asking for support. It was my last cry for help.”

His local Sensory Support told him about Hearing Link Services and quickly James was offered a place on LinkUp.

“Attending the group was a positive turning point in my life. It completely changed my outlook on life and how I have gone on to live with my hearing loss.”

James, peer support volunteers

This support encouraged James to give back and help others like him. So he applied to became a volunteer.

He said: “I decided that it would be a great role for me to help others struggling with their hearing. Knowing what the staff and volunteers did to help me on my hearing loss journey, I knew it was something I’d like to be involved in. The benefits of attending a LinkUp gave me a better understanding of how others manage their hearing loss and adapt to different situations. We learned from each other and supported each other because we have all experienced so many ups and downs along our own hearing journeys.”

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Being a volunteer at a LinkUp support group has continued to help James manage his own challenges with hearing loss. He said: “I have gained so much knowledge. I also learned that I’m not on my own and that I can do whatever I want to do – I just have to do it differently.”

James would encourage anyone who isn’t coping with changes in their hearing to join a group. He said: “A LinkUp will support you on every step of your hearing loss journey. You’ll learn so much, but most importantly, you’ll meet people who are just the same as you. You’re not on your own. The group will help build your confidence.”

There are still places available on our groups taking place in Yorkshire, Northern Ireland and Scotland this year. Register your interest here.