Please note that this news item is more than 6 months old. The information contained within may no longer be current.

New guide published to support action plan on hearing loss – England

The Hearing Loss and Deafness Alliance has produced a new publication which will help commissioners and healthcare providers to follow best practice guidelines for patients with hearing loss in England.

The guide “Meet Local Hearing Health Needs: A guide for Integrated Care Systems” will ensure providers can access resources that have been developed to support the NHS Action Plan on Hearing Loss. This action plan was created in 2015, in response to findings that hearing loss costs the UK economy £25b a year in productivity and employment.

The publication of this new guide means providers across England can follow best practice requirements to ensure that hearing health is promoted and hearing loss is addressed within health systems, improves lives and reduces financial impact hearing loss has on the NHS.

A copy of the guide can be downloaded here:

Hearing Link Services, which is part of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, is an active member of the Alliance, which is made up of a coalition of 29 organisations spanning the voluntary and independent sectors, as well as professionals working in the NHS.

The Alliance is working to with NHS England to distribute the Systems Guide across the organisation.