Do you live with deafness or hearing loss? We need your help!

The Communications and Engagement Team at our charity is looking to raise awareness about living with hearing loss through our social media channels and blogs through individual stories.

We would love for our peer support volunteers to be involved in this project. If you have personal experience of living with or alongside deafness or hearing loss, they’d love to hear your insights and ideas!

Paige, a Copywriter at Hearing Dogs, is refreshing the written content for our external marketing channels such as social media, marketing literature and blogs. For this, she needs to find and talk to people with lived experience. Could you help?

We have been very well supported in this area in the past and many of you have generously shared your personal hearing loss stories. If you feel you can help again or get involved for the first time, please email with a few sentences about your experiences of hearing loss. This could be about your own hearing journey, or a loved one’s – both are hugely valuable.

She will then review the responses and either use them to inform content that explains the impacts of hearing loss in general, or, if she wants to use a direct quote from a response, she will get in touch to ask for their permission to use the quote.