Please note that this news item is more than 6 months old. The information contained within may no longer be current.

Northern Ireland team providing much-needed support

Our team has been out and about across Northern Ireland providing support to people with hearing loss and raising awareness of our services.

Our Technical Advisor Sue Benham (pictured right) has been helping people with hearing loss and their families to understand the types of equipment that can help them to manage day-to-day.  Along with Craig Fisher from our Northern Ireland team, they recently met with Paddy who was able to test different types of assistive equipment. They were also able to offer lots of practical support to him and his family to help aid communication and help Paddy to feel more connected.

This work is part of our Big Lottery funded work in Northern Ireland over the next few years.

Meanwhile, Nuala Muldoon our Northern Ireland Manager (pictured left) has been making connections with other organisations. She recently visited the Hands that Talk centre in Dungiven – the first deaf-owned building in Northern Ireland.

She met up with Dorothy and Liam, the voluntary driving force behind Hands that Talk, and Dearbháile their Business Development Manager.

Hands that Talk are very keen to work more with the hard of hearing community and as a result of their discussions Hearing Link will hold an information session on 6th December.  This will also be delivered in partnership with Advanced Bionics.

Further sessions are also planned over the next few months. The main aims of these sessions are:

  • Provide information on hearing loss, equipment, cochlear implants etc.
  • Increase awareness of Hearing Link brand and services
  • Connect people and forge relationships
  • Recruit volunteers

More information on the events including dates and venues will be confirmed soon.

If you would like to find out more about our work in Northern Ireland, please email