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The Female Barometer

Hearing loss, communication & changes in air pressure

The weather forecast, for us, is more than will it be hot or cold, dry or wet.

Sue’s Menieres is severely affected by changes in air pressure. So I wasn’t surprised when I got in last night and found she had trouble walking, or just standing. I’ve said this before, but understanding how Menieres works removes some of the fears, but it will always upset me to see Sue so swiftly debilitated. Another ‘challenge’, unsurprisingly, is how much harder it is to communicate. Still, we know we can wait it out!!

As TV continues to show rubbish (my opinion, you’re welcome to disagree) we’d planned to watch a DVD last night, we didn’t as Sue was so wiped out. Anyway, we’ve recently re-discovered popcorn so I’d picked up some we could Microwave yesterday, this morning Sue was reading the instructions (we’ve bought ready cooked before) and found she couldn’t cook it as the process involves listening to the kernels pop.

No problem for me, but it drives home the limitations of not being able to hear. On a lighter note – the Meerkat adverts are usually subtitled and Sue loves the new ad. And, for players of video games, subtitles can often be activated via the options menu. So when things are bad, take your frustrations out by zapping aliens.