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Diary of a Fool

Inspector Morse & Colin Dexter’s story

I’ve never been fortunate enough to watch more than 15 minutes of a Morse episode on TV or read the books. I know how stupid it is to comment on anything without having all the facts.


Sunday June 30 2013.

Dear Diary, I heard about half an hour of an Inspector Morse play on Radio 4 Extra as I drove back along the M27. I could have slapped that author, Colin Dexter, silly for the inconsiderate, uncaring and bigoted attitude of his characters towards the victim of the week.

The dead guy was deaf – wow, how selfish of him – and his co-workers hadn’t been bothered to make friends with him because it was very difficult to communicate with a deaf person.

Not only that, no one seemed to have a caring word to say about the deceased, they even thought he was lucky to have a job at all with his disability! Colin Dexter – Git!!
Monday July 1 2013.

After stewing since yesterday about Colin Dexter’s cruel and utterly appalling written attack on deaf people I told Sue about the characters attitude in the play. She looked totally unsurprised and just said that’s what a lot of hearing people can be like – it’s easier not to engage the deaf person than bother with all that communication skills stuff. Uncaring hearing people – Gits, and Dexter.

Tuesday July 2.

Really angry that someone should put his own lack of empathy into the mouths of characters he’s invented. Is he merely disguising his own thoughts?? Him and the pretend characters mouths – all Gits!

Thursday July 4.

Bet they wouldn’t allow Dexter’s cruel treatment of a deaf character – fictional or not – in America. Happy Birthday America. USA – not Gits.

Friday July 5.

Course the U.S. would allow that, Freedom Of Speech – you can say anything. Even more Gits!!

Saturday July 6.

Humble Pie doesn’t taste that bad. Googled Colin Dexter this morning out of anger – turns out I’m the Git. In 1966 Mr Dexter was forced by the onset of deafness to retire from his teaching job. He ended up doing a job similar to the deaf character murdered in ‘The Silent World of Nicholas  Quinn’.

Colin Dexter must be an exceptional writer to incite such emotion from a hearing partner who’s seen his deaf partner shunned by people because they couldn’t be bothered to make a little effort. Think I’ll start reading the Morse novels. Must tell Sue about this.

Rotten irony that it was on the very medium deaf people can’t enjoy. Clever guy that Mr Colin Dexter. Wonder if there’s another Morse play on  tomorrow, hope I can hear the whole play this week.