Exploring sounds and vibrations
People with sensory loss in Aberdeen are invited to share their views on a multi-sensory project that explores sounds and vibrations.
Composer Colin Riley and Sound Technologist Carl Faia are working with bass clarinettist Gareth Davis on a project called Made to Resonate (M2R).
They will showcase their work during ‘Techfest’ – Aberdeen and North East Scotland’s Festival of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics on Saturday 17th September.
Four workshops will be held at The Suttie Arts Space in Aberdeen , with the general public invited to attend at either 5pm or 8pm.
Their work includes a piece of music, an art installation and an educational experience all in one.
It aims to make others think about how we listen and how listeners engage with each other.
Each session will include a short explanation of the music, a talk about sound and the playing of the piece.
And, at the end of the performance, the audience will be asked to feedback on what they have experienced.
The performances last for approximately 60 minutes. Entry costs £5 (£4 concession).
The full programme can be downloaded here.