Ear Foundation survey
Charity, The Ear Foundation is looking for views and experiences of people who have been considered or assessed to receive a Bone Conducting Hearing Implant (BCHI).
It is keen to hear how candidates found the entire process and the ways in which the technology has impacted on their lives since.
Also, The Ear Foundation would like to hear from persons who choose not to carry through on the process and the reasons why they declined to proceed.
It hopes the findings will help to influence future policy and improve services for people living with hearing loss and who use BCHIs.
The survey is anonymous and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Responses are required by midnight on Sunday 18th September.
To take part visit: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BCHI_Adults_FBTEF
If you need any help with the survey, or have any questions or comments, please contact: zheng@earfoundation.org.uk.