Guildford hearing aid maintenance training
The Diocese of Guildford is seeking volunteers to participate in a number of upcoming hearing aid maintenance training sessions, with the goal of providing support at existing church social events.
The Hearing Champions training will include:
- Checking the hearing aid is working
- Replacing the battery, battery life
- Re-tubing
- Fitting the hearing aid in the ear
- Hearing aid controls
- T-loop
- Use of hearing aid
- Assistive listening devices
- Communication tactics
- Outline of audiology pathways in your area
Sandwich lunch and refreshments are provided. There will also be an opportunity to purchase a basic maintenance toolkit.
These training events will be taking place over the next several months at the following locations:
- 14 February 2017 10:00-16:00 at Diocesan House, Quarry Street, Guildford, GU1 3XG – Book your place
(further sessions will be taking place on 27th April, 4th July, 12th September, 14th November; all 10am – 4pm) - 25 February 2017 10:00-16:00 at Calthorpe Room, The Church on the Heath, The Key, Elvetham Heath – Book your place
To find out more, please contact Tracey Wade, Sensory Inclusion Adviser in the Diocese of Guildford Communities Engagement Team. Tel: 01483 790327 or 18001 01483 790327. Mob: 07531 268476. Email: