Please note that this news item is more than 6 months old. The information contained within may no longer be current.

Taxis users’ views sought in Northern Ireland

Views of disabled people and older people are being sought on their experiences of using taxis in Northern Ireland.

The survey has been developed by the Department for Infrastructure and NISRA with support from Imtac. Its findings will be used to inform future changes to the way taxis are regulated throughout the country.

Imtac is very much aware of the difficulties some disabled people are experiencing accessing taxis, including widespread problems with the availability of wheelchair accessible vehicles and the continuing refusals to carry passengers with assistance dogs.

This survey is important to help make the case for the vital changes to the way services are regulated here. We would ask individuals and organisations to complete the survey and to encourage others to do the same.

Please complete the survey online by clicking the following link:

If you require alternative formats such as soft copies by e-mail, hard copies by post or a large print version of the survey, please contact David Gibson at 028 9054 0326 or by emailing