Wish she’d said that quieter Hearing loss, lipreading and voice volume Lip reading is a difficult, but rewarding (what an understatement) skill to master. Sue spent three years at lip reading classes with me joining her for the last – not because I couldn’t be bothered for the first three, but to allow Sue to gain confidence through achieving something […]
Deaf Awareness Week, the Movie Sharing information about hearing loss and hearing aids … Opening. Caught your attention, didn’t I? Now reread the heading in the deep, bass, tones used in most American movies.
Deaf Awareness Week Information and education I’ve struggled with how to express my opinion of the significances of Deaf Awareness Week, this is the 14th rewrite. In previous versions I’d written how DAW will make hearing people aware of the best ways to speak with deaf folk.
Fantasy Island Hearing loss and not being able to share the enjoyment of music. I’ve mentioned that not being able to share with Sue has lessened my enjoyment of music. Well, it hasn’t improved and I have a dilemma on my doorstep. If I wanted to impress with the sophistication of my musical taste, I’d say my […]
Table Manners Hearing loss, lipreading, signing, fingerspelling & eating Signing is going well, Sue’s gaining confidence in her group as she increases her vocabulary. Even so, the first exam a couple of weeks ago was a bit of a tribulation. Not that it was hard so much as there was so much to remember to include – […]
To Tell or Not to Tell? Should Sue wear her ‘Deaf Rider’ vest when horseriding? Anyone out there got experience of wearing an informative reflective vest? For a few years now Sue and I have discussed the merits of her wearing a ‘Deaf Rider’ vest. I’ve got a thick marker pen and plain hi-viz waistcoats are available for a couple of […]
Forward Thinking Adapting to hearing loss Laptop and pc developed serious problems for Christmas, all better now. New Year frequently involves looking forward and back. When it comes to hearing loss I’ve found looking back frequently unhelpful, rather than how much improvement Sue and I (obviously, mostly Sue) have made in communication and coping I too often […]