
News about hearing loss, and the latest updates from Hearing Link Services.

Single sided deafness research

Single sided deafnessBy Roulla Katiri Research into treatments for single-sided deafness or SSD (severe-to-profound hearing loss in just one ear) has increased a lot in recent years, which is good news! But different researchers on different studies often measure different effects, or outcomes, of a treatment. Examples of outcomes measured in previous SSD studies have included how […]

LinkUp Groups are back!

If you live with hearing loss, you’re not alone… and our popular LinkUp Groups are back in 2022, to help you manage your hearing journey. LinkUp Groups are free two-day support groups for people with hearing loss. They are designed and run by people with lived and professional experience of hearing loss. For the past […]

New TV wildlife series for people with hearing loss

A screenshot from Wild Visitors to my Home, a new TV show for deaf and heard of hearing peopleUniversity of Gloucestershire lecturer Mitch Turnbull – an award-winning documentary film-maker – has co-developed a new TV series commissioned by the British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust. Over four episodes, Wild Visitors to my Home provides viewers with expert hints, tips and information, communicated via British Sign Language (BSL) by the presenters, about the practical steps they […]