
News about hearing loss, and the latest updates from Hearing Link Services.

Research shows Brits unaware of hearing loss comorbidities

mental healthLess than a third of people in the UK (29%) know about common comorbidities with hearing loss. In a recent survey of 2000 UK adults, commissioned by the British Irish Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association (BIHIMA), consumers were questioned about their awareness of the co-existence of hearing loss and other diseases such as dementia, depression, cardiovascular […]

UCL Ear Institute conducts survey on age-related hearing loss

A group of Clinical Researchers at University College London Ear Institute are recruiting individuals diagnosed with age-related hearing loss to take part in their survey. The team is investigating  the impact of age-related hearing loss on a person’s  and how it compares to the quality of life in hearing loss from a rare neurological condition. […]

Film Review: Sound of Metal – A hearing loss triumph or tragedy?

**Warning: This review may contain spoilers** On the day of its national cinema release (17th May), Hearing Link volunteer Sylvia Irvine-Robertson shares her review of Oscar-winning film Sound of Metal.  This is a film to watch, and I guarantee you will find it thought-provoking and brilliantly acted. The sound team creates unnerving, but realistic effects, […]

Award-winning film Sound of Metal to be released in cinemas

**Warning: This article may contain spoilers** Sound of Metal, which recently picked up two Oscars, will be released in UK cinemas from Monday (17th May 2021). Darius Marder’s directional debut follows the first-person perspective of a heavy metal drummer, Ruben (Riz Ahmed), whose hearing suddenly begins to deteriorate. After four years of sobriety, girlfriend and […]

Blog: Amy Morton – campaigning for an inclusive roadmap out of lockdown

Hello for those of you who don’t know me, my name is Amy, I’m married with two young children. I’ve had a severe hearing loss in both ears since birth although wasn’t diagnosed till I was nearly four years old. In October last year, I set up Living with Hearing Loss and I have been […]

RAD research reveals significant barriers to employment for deaf people

New research by the Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) has highlighted the challenges faced by deaf people when securing and progressing in work. The survey, which polled the experiences of deaf people in relation to employment and career progression, was carried out at the end of 2020. Amongst the issues raised by respondents were […]

Deaf Awareness Week – 3rd-9th May 2021

Deaf Awareness WeekThis week (3rd-9th May) is Deaf Awareness Week organised by the UK Council on Deafness (UKCoD). The theme for this year is ‘Coming through it Together’ and focuses on organisations working together to raise awareness of deaf issues. You can find more about the work of different organisations through UKCoD’s blog which features the different […]