
News about hearing loss, and the latest updates from Hearing Link Services.

Zoom announces automatic captions update

Video calling platform Zoom has announced that it will be introducing automatic closed captions for all its users in the autumn of this year. The platform used by millions of people worldwide announced the changes in a recent blog post on its website. The changes of adding ‘Live Transcription’ are part of its commitment to […]

New global community created for cochlear implant users

A new and innovative global community of organisations, individuals and cochlear implant experts has been formed and launched today on International Cochlear Implant Day (25th February 2021). The Cochlear Implant International Community of Action (CIICA) shares the vision of increasing access to cochlear implants and providing lifelong support for those who benefit from them. The […]

Survey: Views sought on hearing aid replacement and maintenance

Please note: This survey has now closed. To find about latest news and events please visit Views of UK hearing aid users are being sought through an online survey which focuses on hearing aid replacement and maintenance protocols in UK audiology clinics. Hillary Cruise, an MSc Audiology student at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, has […]

Panel members needed for Lived Experience Advisory Panel

Social research company Traverse are creating a Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP for short) and you could be part of it. The panel is a first step towards their vision, that in the future, research will be done by people from different communities with different experiences. Traverse will work in partnership with the LEAP to […]

Photography competition to promote hearing health

This competition has now closed. To find about latest news and events please visit The Institute for Health and Policy Organisation (IPHO) have launched a photography competition to raise awareness of hearing health. The virtual gallery project ‘Hearing Care for ALL’ aims to raise awareness about the importance of early detection of changes in your […]