
News about hearing loss, and the latest updates from Hearing Link Services.

Survey: Support in the workplace for people with hearing loss and tinnitus

Action on Hearing Loss (AOHL) has launched a survey to find out what support deaf, and people with hearing loss and tinnitus receive in the workplace. Five million people of working age are deaf or have hearing loss or tinnitus, but little is known about the support people are getting – or not getting – […]

Let’s Hear team visits Northern Ireland

Let's Hear visits Northern IrelandOur Let’s Hear team headed over to Northern Ireland recently to spread the word about our UK-wide initiative to improve hearing loops in public places.  Earlier this month, around 10 Hearing Link volunteers from across Northern Ireland joined staff at Strandtown Church in Belfast for the introductory event. It was a chance to learn more about Let’s Hear and […]

Independent Living Fund (ILF) Scotland events to shape future strategy

ILF Scotland stakeholder groupThe Independent Living Fund (ILF) Scotland, the public body supporting disabled people to live independently in Scotland and Northern Ireland, is inviting all interested parties to have their say on its future strategy through a series of events and an online consultation. Formed in 2015 by the Scottish Government, and operating in both Scotland and […]

Survey – Understanding accessibility in public transport

An Edinburgh based startup focused on creating technology to help those with accessibility, disability and mobility needs is carrying out a survey on accessibility in public transport. Passio is running a project which focuses on understanding the needs and challenges faced by people with different disabilities and accessibility challenges when taking public transport. They aspire […]