
News about hearing loss, and the latest updates from Hearing Link Services.

June offer: Get our lanyard & lanyard card for £3

Lanyard and lanyard cardHelp alert others to your communication needs this summer, with our latest online shop deal. For June, we are offering our lanyard and lanyard card for £3, plus postage. Grab the deal at:–lanyard-card-370-p.asp Terms and conditions apply. Delivery is charged extra. Offer lasts until 30.06.19.

Sensory needs assessment – Edinburgh

The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership (EHSCP) is looking for the views of adults with sensory impairments (hearing and/or vision) and their carers living in Edinburgh. These will be used to shape new Health and Social Care services, and help to guide the implementation of the Scottish Government’s See Hear strategy in the city. […]

Audacious phone service to launch this summer

Telephone handsetIt is now possible to find out how a new phone solution will sound to you personally. The new phone service Audacious, which will launch this summer, is inviting people to test out the Audacious experience by trying the ‘Audacious Sound Check‘.  This will give an insight into how the sound will be processed to […]

Bursary available for lipreading tutor training – Edinburgh

The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, through its Scottish Government See Hear funding, will provide one or more bursaries towards the cost of lipreading tutor training. This is conditional on the student(s) agreeing to provide at least one 30-week course, per year, for the three years post-qualification on a self-employed basis within the City […]

Research study about workers with hearing loss – can you help?

University of Southampton student Margaret Zuriekat is looking for working adults with hearing loss to support research for her PHD. The study is looking at the hearing health care for workers with a hearing impairment. Margaret would like to interview working adults who have hearing difficulties to talk to them about how hearing loss affects […]