
News about hearing loss, and the latest updates from Hearing Link Services.

Survey: Experiences sought from students with hearing loss

Glasgow Caledonian University student, Laura Aitken is conducting research for her (BSc Hons) Applied Psychology degree. The aim of her research is to investigate perceived attitudes that deaf students face from hearing students, and how these perceived attitudes influence social exclusion, self-esteem and mental wellbeing of the deaf students. Participants must reside in the UK […]

FREE managing your hearing loss course – Edinburgh

Do you sometimes feel left out of conversations and miss things? Would you like to meet other people with hearing loss to share your experience? A new and free six-week managing your hearing loss course will take place in Edinburgh from Saturday 23rd February until 30th March 2019. This FREE 6 weeks course can give […]

Northern Ireland team has brush with the Law in Belfast

Our Northern Ireland team were out and about raising awareness recently at the Hear for the Holidays event in Belfast and had a brush with local law enforcement too! Nuala Muldoon, our Northern Ireland Manager, was speaking to guests at the event, run by our friends at Action on Hearing Loss, about Hearing Link services, the […]

Ann flies Hearing Link flag at awareness day

Hearing Link volunteer Ann Thallon joined other groups and organisations at a recent hearing awareness day in Kirkcaldy. Organised by the Royal Victoria Hospital, it was a chance to make others aware of the support and services offered by Hearing Link, and to answer general questions about hearing and hearing loss. If you would like […]