
News about hearing loss, and the latest updates from Hearing Link Services.

New lipreading class for Armagh

Ramona, Les and Anne MaddillThe Banbridge Lipreading Group is starting a new lipreading class next month in Armagh. The group, which is led by Les and Ramona Williams, already has two classes in Northern Ireland – one in Banbridge, the other in Newry. The Armagh class will start on Tuesday 1st May at The Dobbins Centre from 2pm to 4pm.  […]

Join our LinkUps

Please note these groups have now taken place. Please contact for details of future courses. Are you struggling to manage your hearing ?  Would you and your family find it helpful to share your experiences with like-minded people? We’ll be delivering our highly-regarded LinkUps on a regular basis, offering an opportunity for you to work […]

Product of the month: Hearing aid maintenance kit!

Hearing Aid Maintenance KitOur fabulous product of the month for April is our Hearing Aid Maintenance Kit!   Head over to to pick up yours for only £7.99 plus postage.   This easy-to-use product is perfect for cleaning and looking after your hearing aid.   The kit contains:  Blue earmould puffer for drying out condensation in the earmould tubing.  All in one waxtool, brush and […]

Volunteers join Great British Dog Walk

Great British Dog Walk - EdinburghHearing Link volunteers were delighted to join our friends from Hearing Dogs for Deaf People at the Great British Dog Walk in Edinburgh recently. It was a great opportunity to raise awareness of the support and services Hearing Link offers to people with hearing loss across the UK. The Great British Dog Walk is an […]