Participants needed: do you suffer from dizziness? A team of researchers from the University of Southampton are looking for participants to take part in research concerning the management of dizziness. Dr MC Portillo, and her team, have been promoting the Balance Retraining LIFEGUIDE online tool through different organisations; including Hearing Link. You can access the Balance Retraining LIFEGUIDE Tool here: Dr […]
Bring it on! I have started floating! Yes, you read that right and I mean it literally. And it’s wonderful. Us deaf folks have a very stressful life trying to keep up with what is happening in the hearing world. Getting introduced to people called Malcolm is particularly stressful -If you want to check it out have a […]
The little things in life I’m sitting on the sofa, leg curled under me, the fire blazing reading a book by Paul Gilbert ‘The compassionate mind’ for the second time. Chapter 7 Mindful Preparation on the Road to Compassion. Chris (my 10 year old) hands me a note. That is to say he simply places in in the middle of […]
Know your limitations It’s the time of year again; Alex has been asking me for the last week if we are coming for the parents evening at school. Rob is working and I – well to be honest am not looking forward to it. Last year he was still at the small Welsh primary school, the kind of […]
Hearing people struggle too! I have a bit of a hangover this morning, but I’m happy. I went to the pub last night; Rob wanted to take me out for a birthday drink and I just thought – ‘hell, I have to try harder really.’ On the way there I was surprised how calm I felt really. I hadn’t […]
Staying calm You probably never thought of TypeTalk as an anger management tool? There are not many things that anger me, but insurance companies are one of them. I always get annoyed whenever I have to renew the car or house insurance. Anyway, this time I rang them because I’d landed the car in a big ditch and […]
Dan’s a world class Marathon runner Dan’s family has a history of profound deafness, with close family members reliant on their hearing aids. He therefore understands the importance of hearing protection, particularly in noisy environments, and often wears ear plugs when out at bars and clubs as a precaution. He says, “Sometimes [hearing loss] is unavoidable for people and they sadly […]