Hearing Link Services blogs

Hearing Link Services is delighted to host a number of guest bloggers chronicling their unique and personal hearing loss journeys.

On this page there are posts from all our bloggers mixed together.

  • To read Tony Long’s blog about learning to adapt to his wife’s deafness, please visit this page.
  • To read Kirsteen Allison’s cochlear implant blog please visit this page.
  • To read Maggi Summerhill’s blog about family life and hearing loss please visit this page.

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Blog: To see, or not to see

Woman undergoing eye exam by opticianHaving ignored reminders that my free NHS eye test and check-up was long overdue; I finally made an appointment with a high street optician. I have glasses for driving, but I have to confess they are languishing in the back of drawer. Now where have I heard that before? Read Sylvia's blog about the learnings of attending an eye exam when you have hearing loss.