
Humans of Scotland: May’s story continues

May WoodYou may remember that our volunteer May Wood featured in a 2019 e-book Humans of Scotland. The book, produced by The Alliance in Scotland, featured 30 inspirational stories from people across Scotland, with a foreword by Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister. The Humans of Scotland project, running since 2018, has sought to provide a platform for […]

Hearing loss research – add your input

Word cloudWe’ve received a number of updates recently from researchers whose projects touch on hearing loss-related issues in one way or another. If you would like to participate in any of these initiatives, brief details are below. Chioma Nwaefulu from Bath University would like to hear from people with hearing loss to help him design a […]

Help shape UK’s national strategy for disabled people

This survey has now closed. To find about latest news and events please visit hearinglink.org/news The Disability Unit at the Cabinet Office of the UK Government is developing a National Strategy for Disabled People. To help them to understand the barriers that disabled people face and what it may need to focus upon to improve the […]

Survey: Consultation on Adult Disability Payment draft regulations – Scotland

This survey has now closed. To find about latest news and events please visit hearinglink.org/news The Scottish Government has opened a consultation on draft regulations for Adult Disability Payment (ADP) which will be replacing Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in Scotland. The consultation will remain open until 15th March 2021, and your views are being sought via […]