
Survey: Views sought on hearing aid replacement and maintenance

Please note: This survey has now closed. To find about latest news and events please visit hearinglink.org/news Views of UK hearing aid users are being sought through an online survey which focuses on hearing aid replacement and maintenance protocols in UK audiology clinics. Hillary Cruise, an MSc Audiology student at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, has […]

Help create an exhibition for and by the people of Edinburgh

Media Education and the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership have launched an initiative to create a photography exhibition for and by the people of Edinburgh. Picturing Health aims to use photography to tell the story of what health means to you and Edinburgh residents are being encouraged to submit a photograph. The results will […]

Free hearing loss course – Edinburgh

Lipreading Awareness WeekA free six-week course to help individuals manage changes in their hearing, will start in Edinburgh next month (February). Topics covered include: Managing you hearing aids Lipreading Technology There will also be guest speakers, including a volunteer from Hearing Link to speak our services and support. The course will take place on the following dates: […]

Margaret named Self Management Champion of the Year

Self Management Champion of the Year - Margaret CanningHearing Link volunteer Margaret Canning has been named the Self Management Champion of the Year by the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland. Margaret from Midlothian was presented with the award at the Self Management Awards ceremony hosted by Alex Neil MSP at the Scottish Parliament on 8th October. Hearing Link supported Margaret after her […]

deafscotland to host mental health summit

mental healthdeafscotland is hosting its mental health summit ‘Connect me too’ in Edinburgh later this month (October). The purpose of ‘Connect Us Too’ Summit is to raise awareness about mental health & deafness. deafscotland will be hosting the event dedicated to raising awareness and understanding improving resilience and recognising problems; and most importantly increasing access to […]