
Let’s Hear Salford awareness event

A very successful Let’s Hear event was held by the Let’s Hear Salford group. The afternoon, held at the Pendleton Gateway Centre, was a Hearing Awareness drop in and a celebration of the hard work and achievements of the group to date. It also offered the people of Salford the opportunity to visit a variety of […]

Deaf Awareness Week 2018

Deaf Awareness WeekToday is the start of Deaf Awareness Week 2018.  The week is co-ordinated by the UK Council on Deafness (UKCod) and is an opportunity to raise awareness of hearing loss and the impact it can have on the lives of an individual and their families.  A series of events are taking place across the country, and […]

Let’s Hear Salford awareness day

Let's Hear Salford Awareness DayOur Let’s Hear Salford group is hosting an awareness day later this month for those interested in finding out more about their project. Join them at Pendleton Gateway, 1 Broadway, M6 5FX on Wednesday 25th April, from 2pm-4pm. The Ceremonial Mayor will be opening the awareness day. For more information email letshearsalford@gmail.com or call 0161 790 2442. For further […]

Join our LinkUps

Please note these groups have now taken place. Please contact helpdesk@hearinglink.org for details of future courses. Are you struggling to manage your hearing ?  Would you and your family find it helpful to share your experiences with like-minded people? We’ll be delivering our highly-regarded LinkUps on a regular basis, offering an opportunity for you to work […]

Introductory lipreading course – Bulkington

CELST BulkingtonThe Central England Lipreading Support Trust (CELST) is offering an introductory course in lipreading.  If you are interested in finding out how lipreading can support you head along to Bulkington Village Centre on Thursday afternoons between 1.30 and 3.30pm.   The classes start on April 19th and are delivered by an accredited ATLA tutor.  The course is free […]

Events and entertainment survey

survey clipboardSheffield Hallam University student Emily Webster is looking for people with hearing loss to complete her survey on accessibility for events and entertainment venues. The survey is part of her dissertation on whether adjustments in place for deaf and hard of hearing people are adequate. She has chosen this subject due to her poor experiences […]

Gaming session for hearing aid users

The University of Nottingham is hosting a session next week for hearing aid users interested in gaming. The session is part of the university’s 3D Tune-In project which has developed a digital game and a website application for adults with hearing aids. One is a game that is designed to teach people with hearing aids about […]