The Central England Lipreading Support Trust (CELST) are recruiting a new chairperson and trustees to join its successful team and lead them into the next stage of its development. CELST is a registered UK charity based in central England that has been running free to participate lipreading and deaf awareness courses throughout the region since […]
The charity Action of Hearing Loss is hosting a consultation event to discuss the future of hearing aid provision in Staffordshire. The event will be held on Wednesday 26th February at 10.30am at the Trinity Methodist Church, Derby Street, Leek, ST13 5JF. Representative from North Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which is proposing the changes, […]
Commissioners from the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) has announced a series of consultation events relating to potential changes to hearing loss services. The interactive workshops are to be held to give people an opportunity to input to the decisions being undertaken. The events have been carefully devised to be as realistic as […]
Do you use a cochlear implant? Would you be willing to give one hour of your time? If so, the University of Nottingham’s Biomedical Research Centre is looking for participants to help with a new research study called the ‘ACCURATE’ study. In March 2019, NHS guidance about which adults should be offered a cochlear implant […]
A group of volunteers who support patients with auditory implants is looking for new members to join their team. The Richard Ramsden Centre for Auditory Implants based at Manchester Royal Infirmary offers the drop-in sessions for patients can find out about more assistive listening devices and try them at home. The group is completely voluntary […]
The next public meeting of the Shropshire Deaf and Hard of Hearing Forum will take place on Wednesday 5th February. It will be held at The Trinity Centre, Church Road, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury from 2pm. Download the poster for more information. The group will welcome two guest speakers including Julia Baron, Chief Executive of the […]
An eight-week listening exercise has been launched by six NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) across Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent regarding hearing loss in adults. The CCGs are seeking views of patients through an online survey to understand how these services impact on their lives. The survey will remain open until 23:59 on Sunday 1st […]