A free course covering topics to help manage hearing loss will start in Edinburgh this August (2019). Managing your hearing loss course will run from Thursday August 22nd until 26th September from 6-8pm at the South Bridge Resource Centre, 6 Infirmary Street, Edinburgh. This course will have guest speakers – including Hearing Link – covering […]
If you feel left out of social activities and miss things because of your hearing loss, a new activity in Edinburgh is presenting the opportunity to meet others with similar experiences. Tea, Talk and Takeaway is a joint initiative between Edinburgh City Council, Hearing Link, Deaf Action and Edinburgh & Lothians. This free activity offers […]
By Nuala Muldoon Hearing Link Project Manager – Northern Ireland The Divis and Black Mountain walk last month was the second walk we have organised for people affected by hearing loss in Northern Ireland. Both events have gone really well – see our pictures below. Those who have attended each of these have had lots […]
The House of Commons Petitions Committee is hosting an event Tuesday 2nd July to gather people’s views on fireworks. The Committee recently launched an inquiry into how the noise of fireworks affect people with a wide range of health conditions and disabilities including hearing loss. Hundreds of people have signed petitions calling for a ban […]
The Bach Choir and conductor David Hill will create the first signed performance of the choral masterpiece Missa Solemnis this Friday (28th June). The event, supported by Hearing Link, will see the choir joined by Sir Richard Stilgoe, deaf musician Paul Whittaker OBE and the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment at the Royal Festival […]
The National Association of Deafened People's annual conference will take place on 22 June 2019 in London. Book your place.
A new social group for people with hearing loss will start in Edinburgh later this month. ‘Tea, Talk and Takeaway’ is a chance to meet other people with hearing loss and get involved in cooking a meal in a small social setting. Each week, participants will be introduced to different activities and leave with an […]