
British Academy of Audiology annual conference – November 2021

The 17th annual British Academy of Audiology conference and exhibition will take place on the 18th and 19th November 2021 at the Manchester Central Convention Complex. Over 500 delegates and 50 exhibitors, along with an array of speakers, are expected the event which is the largest audiology conference in the UK. Registration is now open! […]

Volunteers Week – thank you to all our wonderful volunteers

This week (1st-7th June) marks Volunteers Week.   At Hearing Link we are entirely grateful to our wonderful network of volunteers who support people living with hearing loss and their families across the UK.    Kate Vale, our Network & Training Manager, has shared the following message, thanking our volunteers for their time, generosity and […]

Deaf Awareness Week – 3rd-9th May 2021

Deaf Awareness WeekThis week (3rd-9th May) is Deaf Awareness Week organised by the UK Council on Deafness (UKCoD). The theme for this year is ‘Coming through it Together’ and focuses on organisations working together to raise awareness of deaf issues. You can find more about the work of different organisations through UKCoD’s blog which features the different […]

BATOD to host virtual masterclass series throughout 2021

The British Association of the Teachers of the Deaf (BATOD) is hosting a virtual webinar series masterclass throughout 2021.    ‘Together we achieve’ will showcase key speakers from its postponed 2020 national conference.   The interactive events will take place monthly during term-time and via an accessible virtual platform.   Click on the flyer below for more details: 

1 in 4 projected to have hearing problems by 2050

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that as many as 2.5 billion people worldwide – or 1 in 4 – could be living with some level of hearing loss by 2050. And at least 700 million of these people will require access to hearing and ear care, unless action is taken. The findings were […]

Panel members needed for Lived Experience Advisory Panel

Social research company Traverse are creating a Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP for short) and you could be part of it. The panel is a first step towards their vision, that in the future, research will be done by people from different communities with different experiences. Traverse will work in partnership with the LEAP to […]

Our LinkUps are going online!

Our highly-regarded LinkUp groups are going online from January 2021! Over the past few months, we have been developing a service called LinkUp Online, which covers the same type of topics you would expect from one of our face-to-face groups. A LinkUp Online is delivered remotely, over two days, through a secure online platform. Each […]