hearing loss

Use of phone & video calls for delivering health, care & befriender services

A new video resource is now available to support managers, staff and volunteers who are using phone and video calls to deliver health, care and befriender services to older people, a high proportion of whom have hearing loss. The video by Ideas for Ears is highly practical and looks at problems caused for those not easily […]

New study reveals the impact of hearing loss on mental well being

A new study has given an insight to social and health impacts of hearing loss on a person’s well being. Clear Living, a healthcare and lifestyle website, released its annual report – Impact of Hearing Loss on Mental Well-being and Lifestyle Study – which highlights the detrimental effect hearing loss has on mental well being […]

Free hearing loss course – Edinburgh

Lipreading Awareness WeekA free six-week course to help individuals manage changes in their hearing, will start in Edinburgh next month (February). Topics covered include: Managing you hearing aids Lipreading Technology There will also be guest speakers, including a volunteer from Hearing Link to speak our services and support. The course will take place on the following dates: […]