hearing loss

Hearing loss group launches in Newtownabbey

Newtownabbey hearing loss groupHearing Link volunteers in Northern Ireland are launching a new hearing loss group this month. Join them at Corr’s Corner, 315 Ballyclare Road, Newtownabbey on Thursday 22nd February from 7-9pm.  Further meetings will take place on the last Thursday of each month. The friendly and welcoming group provides information and support for people experiencing changes […]

Meetings missing the mark for people with hearing loss

New survey research suggests that poor hearing conditions are making meetings and events inaccessible for people who have hearing loss. The findings also show that the difficulties experienced are ordinary in their nature and can, in many instances, be fixed for little or no cost. The research, carried our by Ideas for Ears in November […]

European study on accessible television

An international survey on accessible television in Europe is being carried out at the University of Seville (Spain). The brief survey aims to find out the opinion of the users of the subtitling, audio description and sign language services on the BBC. All answers will remain totally anonymous. If you have any questions about the survey, […]

London Tube travel could be damaging passenger hearing

Woman holding her hands to her ears due to tinnitus (Courtesy of Auris Medical)The BBC is reporting that travelling regularly via London Underground may be damaging to your hearing. Parts of the underground are said to be so loud that they are equivalent to “being at a rock concert”. Certain sections of journeys reached as loud as 109 decibels; louder than a helicopter take off close by. The […]

Hearing Link to attend Northern Ireland health fairs

People with hearing loss in Northern Ireland can find out more about Hearing Link services at health fairs being held over the next month. Hearing Link volunteers and staff will be on hand at the events taking place in libraries across the country. The dates and venues are: Thursday 18th January,  11am-3pm (Ormeau Road, Belfast) – […]

Patient views sought on local NHS services in Cardiff

Patients with hearing loss in Cardiff and the Vales of Glamorgan are being asked to share their experiences of using local NHS Services. The public meeting will take place on Saturday 27th January in the board room of St David’s Hospital between 10.30 and 12noon.  (St David’s Hospital Cowbridge Rd E, Cardiff CF11 9XB) Lip-speakers […]