Patient views sought on local NHS services in Cardiff

Patients with hearing loss in Cardiff and the Vales of Glamorgan are being asked to share their experiences of using local NHS Services. The public meeting will take place on Saturday 27th January in the board room of St David’s Hospital between 10.30 and 12noon.  (St David’s Hospital Cowbridge Rd E, Cardiff CF11 9XB) Lip-speakers […]

Views sought on Accessible Information Standard

NHS England is seeking views as part of a review into the Accessible Information Standard which launched last year. The Standard aims to ensure that people with a disability, impairment or sensory loss receive accessible information and communication support from providers of NHS care and adult social care. The aim of this review is to […]

Boogie Boards lifeline for NHS patients

Boogie Boards supplied by Hearing Link are supporting NHS patients with communication difficulties in Norfolk and Norwich. Fourteen boards were purchased for the Head and Neck team at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, after they supported patient Rod Bridger who recently had a Laryngectomy. Rod found it difficult to communicate after the procedure and the Boogie […]