
New TV wildlife series for people with hearing loss

A screenshot from Wild Visitors to my Home, a new TV show for deaf and heard of hearing peopleUniversity of Gloucestershire lecturer Mitch Turnbull – an award-winning documentary film-maker – has co-developed a new TV series commissioned by the British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust. Over four episodes, Wild Visitors to my Home provides viewers with expert hints, tips and information, communicated via British Sign Language (BSL) by the presenters, about the practical steps they […]

Freeview’s accessible TV guide to make things simpler for viewers

A remote control in someone's handFreeview is rolling out its award-winning Accessible TV Guide which will make it simpler for viewers with accessibility needs to discover and find content more easily. Developed with insight from viewers, advocacy groups, and accessibility research agencies,  the Accessible TV Guide won Gold at this year’s Connected TV Awards. It is the first dedicated accessibility […]