Please note that this news item is more than 6 months old. The information contained within may no longer be current.

Invitation to Participate in Survey on Health Data Management

We have received a request from a research group at the University of Oxford.  Please have a look to see if you would like to take part.  Please remember only share data with external organisations if you are happy to do so.

We, Dr. Abraham Nash and Professor Max Van Kleek, are writing to you from the Human Centred Computing Research Group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford. Our current research focuses on developing more effective health data management systems.

The goal of our study is to explore various perceptions of ownership, empowerment, and trust among different stakeholders in the realm of health data. Understanding how these perceptions influence the design of health data management systems is crucial to our research.

To this end, we are engaging with a diverse group of stakeholders, including patients, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and technology experts. Through surveys and interviews, we aim to gain a deeper insight into how views on ownership, empowerment, and trust contribute to the shaping of these systems.

We cordially invite the members of your community to participate in our study by completing a survey, which can be found here:

The survey will take 15-20 minutes to complete and includes more detailed information about our research. There is also an option to follow up with a 30-45 minute interview conducted over a secure Microsoft Teams link. Participation is completely voluntary, and participants are free to withdraw at any time.

Upon completing the survey, participants will be asked to register their interest for a follow-up interview in a separate signup form. We will then send an information sheet and work to find a convenient interview time. We greatly appreciate any time your members may be willing to contribute!

Our study is intended to run until September 1st 2024. For your reference, our ethics approval number is “CS_C1A_24_008” which can be confirmed at

Should you have any inquiries or require further details about the study, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at and