LinkUp Support Group

Last weekend, we welcomed 15 participants and three hearing partners to The Grange for a LinkUp support group.

Our brilliant peer support volunteers Ailsa, Gordon, Helen and Paula and advisors Claire, Helen and Sue were on hand to guide attendees through the packed agenda and provide advice and support for any questions or concerns.

It takes a lot of time and energy to host events like this so huge thanks to the team for such a great weekend.

We thought we’d share some of the initial feedback so you can gain a glimpse into the outcomes of weekend,

“We’re included in this space and for me this weekend has been lovely because of that, because you are in a group of people who really understand what it feels like, Thank you!”

“I would sincerely like to thank your team at Hearing Link, your volunteers, and the trust and its supporters for allowing me the opportunity to spend a weekend at the centre to help support my hearing disability.  I can’t tell you how much l benefited from the interactions with the other attendees, the seminars and support from the staff. It was a totally worthwhile experience. Infact l am still processing a lot of the information and suggestions and looking forward to putting them into practice.”

“It has built confidence in the way I see and deal with my hearing loss.”

“I got a lot of information to take away with me to think about and act on. I have learnt so much and it has given me ways to cope.”

Thanks again to everyone involved in making this possible. Next stop: Beatrice Wright Centre in York.